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What is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder also known as ADHD?

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are neurological and behaviour-related conditions that cause difficulty in concentrating, impulsiveness and excessive energy. Individuals with ADHD not only have a challenge in concentrating, but have a challenge sitting still. Although most people associate ADHD/ADD with young children, the symptoms can carry into adulthood. In the past, also known as attention deficit disorder (ADD)
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) affects children and teens and can continue into adulthood. Children with ADHD may be hyperactive and unable control their impulses. Some children may have trouble paying attention or concentration.

What are the nine symptoms of ADHD?

A child must have had 6 of the following 9 symptoms for more than six months to be diagnosed with ADHD or inattentive type:
  1. Does not pay close attention to details, makes careless mistakes,
  2. Often has trouble keeping attention on tasks,
  3. Often does not seem to listen when spoken to directly,
  4. Often does not follow through on instructions and fails to finish work or chores (because of failure to understand, not defiance),
  5. Often has trouble organising activities,
  6. Often avoids or dislikes things that take a lot of mental effort for a long period of time,
  7. Often loses things needed for tasks and activities,
  8. Is often easily distracted,
  9. Is often forgetful in daily activities.

What is ADHD caused by?

The causes of ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder symptoms:-
inattention, impulsivity, and/or hyperactivity - affect a child's ability to learn and get along with others.
ADHD has three sub-types of symptoms, see below:-

ADHD has three types of symptoms:-

  • ADHD-Inattention Type: Getting distracted, having poor concentration and organizational skills.
  • ADHD-Impulsivity Type: Interrupting, taking risks.
  • ADHD-Hyperactivity Type: Never seeming to slow down, talking and  impatience, difficulties staying on task.
    Everyone is different, it may be common for two people to experience the same symptoms in different ways.
    For example, It is often different in boys and girls in their behaviors. Boys may be seen as more hyperactive, and the symptoms can appear around 5 years old but girls may be quietly inattentive and the symptoms can appear around 10 years old.

ADHD-Inattentive Type

This type of ADHD, may experience more symptoms of inattention than those of impulsivity and hyperactivity.
One who is struggling with inattentive control behaviour:
  • Don’t seem to listen or poor listener,
  • Missed details and distracted easily. Makes careless mistakes.
  • Losing pencils, eraser, ruler and other items needed to complete the work,
  • Having difficulty organizing thoughts and learning new information,
  • Focusing on a single task at a time,
  • Having trouble following directions.
  • Processing information slowly and less accurately than other students,
  • Get bored quickly.
  • Avoidng activities involving sustained concentration,
  • Walk slowly and appeared likes day-dreaming,
    More girls are diagnosed with ADHD inattentive type than boys.

ADHD-Impulsivity Type

This type of ADHD is Impulsivity. People who with this type can display signs of inattention,
Students who are ADHD / Impulsive behaviour symptoms:
  • squirm, fidget, or feel restless,
  • have difficulty sitting still,
  • talk constantly,
  • touch and play with objects, even when inappropriate to the task at hand,
  • have trouble engaging in quiet activities,
  • are constantly “on the go”
  • are impatient,
  • act out of turn and don’t think about consequences of actions,
  • blurt out answers and inappropriate comments.
Students with ADHD-Impulsive type can be a disruption in the classroom. They can make learning more difficult for themselves and other students.

ADHD-Hyperactivity Type (Combination)

This type is ADHD has combined Inattentive and Impulsive type. People who with this type can display signs of inattention.
ADHD Combined Hyperactive-Impulsive and Inattentive type
Students who have the combination type, it means that the symptoms don’t exclusively fall within the inattention or impulsive behaviour. Instead, a combination of symptoms from both of the type are exhibited.
Most students, with or without ADHD, experience some degree of inattentive or impulsive behaviour. But it’s more severe in people with ADHD. The behaviour occurs more often and interferes with how you function at home, school, and in social situations.

What are the causes of combined type ADHD-Hyperactivity?

The causes of ADHD may be the same for all types, but science has failed to find a cause for ADHD. Some studies have found several potential factors that can influence a person’s risk of developing ADHD.
For example: Environmental factors may play a role.
  • Environmental factors during infancy or pregnancy: Exposure to toxins such as lead may increase a child’s risk for ADHD.
  • Brain injury: A small number of children who suffer a traumatic brain injury may develop ADHD.
  • Low-birth weight or premature delivery: A study by journal Pediatrics - Babies born before their due date are more likely to have ADHD when it is older.

How to treat Combined type ADHD?

ADHD Medications can help your child’s symptoms of inattention and hyperactivity or impulsivity. Doctors usually prescribe stimulants.  Stimulants can help the child behavioral signs of ADHD and help the child to focus better on daily tasks. The stimulant increases the brain chemicals that help the child to think and pay attention.
Behavioral Therapy combined with medication is effective for children, especially from 6 to 12 years old. It teaches the child to strength good behaviours. Behaviour therapy including parent training, peer interventions, organization training and class management.
Family Therapy can help everyone to learn how to cope and manage a family member’s symptoms of ADHD. It helps with communication and family bonding.

Techniques to help the combined ADHD child

It is important to have structural support. Organisation and consistency can help a child manage their symptoms.
  • Develop a routine and schedule,
  • Be consistent with rules,
  • Plan for changing the schedule in advance,
  • Create a proper house-keeping system so that everything has a place,
  • Recognise, praise and reward good behavior.
  • Always encourage good behaviour:
  • Helping the child to build a healthy lifestyle,
  • Minimizing distractions when the child is completing a task,
  • Limiting choices when your child needs to choose,
  • Always creating positive experiences through activities your child enjoys and does well.
For a child with ADHD, clear communication is key. ADHD child have communication problems, from following instructions to considering other people’s perspectives. Family member can help the child to build the social skills.

How can Parents help the ADHD child?

Having ADHD is not a child's or a parent's fault. But there are things that child and parents can learn in therapy to help things get better:
  • Find a therapist your child feels comfortable with.
  • Take your child to KK hospital for help. Learning new skills is a habit that a child needs to keep up until the child master it.
  • Work with your child's therapist on how to best respond to ADHD behaviours.
  • Ask how you can help your child practice at home. Are there games you can play or skills you can help your child learn?
  • Parent with patience and warmth. Encourage the child to take an Omega-3 fatty acid daily for nutrient - DHA.
    Note: DHA is an acronym for the nutrient - Docosa-Hexaenoic Acid - an Omega-3 fatty acid. DHA is found in high amounts in the tissues of the brain and eye. Today, people often eating out. Therefore, supplementing is becoming important because our bodies can’t make Omega-3 by itself.

2024 Special Needs Educational Therapists Home Tuition Rate.

Student Level
Part-time Educational Therapist (Diploma)
Full-time Educational Therapist (Degree)
Therapist visits your Home


$65 - 75/hr

$65 - 75/hr

1.5hr per lesson (minimum)

Pr 1~2

$65 - 75/hr

$65 - 75/hr

1.5hr per lesson (minimum)

Pr 3~4

$65 - 75/hr

$65 - 75/hr

1.5hr per lesson (minimum)

Pr 5~6

$65 - 75/hr

$70 - 85/hr

1.5hr per lesson (minimum)

Sec 1~2

$70 - 85/hr

$75 - 90/hr

1.5hr per lesson (minimum)

Sec 3~5

$75 - 90/hr

$75 - 90/hr

2 hr per lesson (minimum)

Home-visit lesson not less than 1.5 hour. We reserved the rights to change at any time.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) - Causes, Symptoms & Pathology:

ADHD - causes, symptoms & pathology

Video: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)-

Dr. Bob DeMaria discusses and just touches on ADHD a little:

  • Is trans-fatty acid in foods and french fries sabotaging the DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid)?
  • Is Sugar takes B6 zinc magnesium and B vitamins out of the body?
  • Is preservatives food & colouring additives sabotaging the formation of the DHA in the brain?

What does DHA do for the body?

Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is essential for the growth and functional development of the brain in infants. DHA is also required for maintenance of normal brain function in adults. The inclusion of plentiful DHA in the diet improves learning ability, whereas deficiencies of DHA are associated with deficits in learning.
Note: In the tissues of the brain and eye, DHA is found in high amounts.

What is the best source of DHA?

DHA is mainly found in seafood, such as fish, shellfish, and algae. Several types of fish and fish products are excellent sources, providing up to several grams per serving. These include mackerel, salmon, herring, sardines, and caviar.

DHA is found in high amounts in the tissues of the brain and eye.

VIDEO: Dr. Bob DeMaria discusses about ADHD

Natural ADHD Solutions by Dr Jose Axe and himself has ADHD.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and attention deficit disorder (ADD) are neurological and behaviour - related conditions that cause difficulty in concentrating, impulsiveness and excessive energy. Individuals with ADHD not only have a challenge in concentrating, but have a challenge sitting still. Although most people associate ADHD/ADD with young children, the symptoms can carry into adulthood. Visit:

Most people associate ADHD/ADD with young children, the symptoms can carry into adulthood.

Video: Dr Jose Axe himself has ADHD

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